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Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Double Your Detox With This Powerful Water

There are many ways to detox yourself; diets and juicing, are just a start, and they are perfect to get your health back on track after vacations. If you really want to flush out all the toxins drink lots and lots of water, but if you want to intensify the power of plain water, you can add a little flavor as well with these delicious but especially detoxifying additions.

Add the following natural ingredients to a large pitcher of water and drink throughout the next day accompanied by your detox diet for more effective results:

Lemon: Lemon juice helps to cleanse and alkalize the body for a powerful detox drink

Mint: Mint helps settle your stomach and aids in digestion as well

Cucumber makes for excellent rehydration, and cucumber contains anti-inflammatory properties

Ginger: This spicy root helps clean out your system, aids in digestion, and settles your stomach

Using Home Remedies for Sore Muscles

If you’re a little hesitant to pop a pain reliever pill for sore muscles, try using home remedies to ease your muscle pain. All of these methods are easy to use and offer no side effects, in addition to being considerably cheaper than analgesic creams and pills.Fore moderate muscle pain, home remedies work great. For severe muscle pain, it’s best to visit your doctor and act on his recommendations.

1- For immediate relief as soon as you strain your muscle, apply an ice pack--20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Proper hydration helps heal your muscles quicker. Heat, although it might be much more soothing than ice, shouldn’t be applied in the first 24 to 36 hours after injury.

2- Take it easy! Gently stretching your muscles is fine, but continuing with a strenuous workout schedule won’t ease your muscles. To reduce swelling, lightly wrap the area in an ace bandage. Be careful not to wrap the muscle too tightly as this can cause swelling around the affected area.

3- Soak in a warm bath with 2 cups of epsom salt or 2 cups of white vinegar. Pour the vinegar or salt into the tub as it’s filling and soak for 30 minutes. Epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate that helps replace lost magnesium in the body. Vinegar helps draws out lactic acid from the sore muscles--a main culprit of muscle soreness.

4- Compresses soaked in apple cider vinegar should be applied to the sore muscle for 20 minutes. Again, drawing out the lactic acid is a great way to alleviate soreness.

5- Eat some bananas to boost your potassium levels. Muscles stiffen and cramp up when your body is low in potassium. Bananas are a great source of potassium. Make sure to drink plenty of water too!

6- Massage helps stimulate the blood flow in and around the affected muscle. There’s no need to pay for an expensive masseuse. Use your own hands and gently rub the affected area after applying an ice pack, soaking in the tub, or applying the vinegar compress.

The Best Home Remedy for Instant Muscle Pain Relief

Muscle pain may come from being tense, overworked or injured. This kind of pain is aggravated by use of those muscles. Muscle pain may also result when the body is affected by certain infections like flu.

Care for the Muscle
Rest the muscle. If you keep using the muscle the pain is going to worsen. It takes 48 hours for the muscle to heal from mild soreness. The amount of rest needed depends on the severity of the injury. If you don't rest, you could worsen the situation.

Immediately after an injury, apply an ice pack or wrap the injured part in a towel with ice. But don't overdo it; apply the ice in intervals. Avoid hot compresses, as they are bad for muscle pains.

A gentle massage of the sore muscles can help ease the pain and soreness.

Although it seems difficult to move the muscle, the best way to cure it is to use it gently. Stretch the muscle and exercise it mildly.

Take an anti-inflammatory drug like aspirin or ibuprofen or use an anti-inflammatory rub.

Stay hydrated. If the pain is due to cramping, dehydration may be the cause. Drink lots of fluids.

Home Remedies
Try natural home remedies that will cure the pain as well as prevent any side effects.

Garlic is anti-inflammatory and is therefore very useful to cure muscle pain. Apply mustard oil treated with garlic to the affected body part to provide instant relief.

Tart cherry juice is an anti-oxidant and an anti-inflammatory and helps muscle recovery.

Turmeric powder is an Indian spice that can be used in food to help with more serious conditions like arthritis or joint pain.

Take some ginger with honey to subside the pain.

Mix cayenne pepper with olive oil and apply in the affected area to lessen pain.

Herbal Cures
Clove oil, eucalyptus oil and lavender oil are often used to treat muscle pains. Rubbing the oils on the affected area will provide relief.

Epsom salt provides instant relief. Pour two full cups of epsom salt in hot water and take a bath in it.

Oil extracted from St. John's wort, an anti-inflammatory plant, may be applied to the affected area for instant relief.

White willow bark, arnica and devil's claw may also be used for their anti-inflammatory properties. Use as directed in the product label.

11 Ways to Boost Your Lymphatic System for Great Health

Glands, lymph nodes, the spleen, thymus gland and tonsils co-create the lymphatic system, which cleans our body’s cells and carries the body’s cellular sewage away from the tissues to the blood, where it can be filtered by two of the body’s main detoxification organs: the liver and kidneys.

The main symptoms of lymphatic problems are felt in your shoulder and neck area. If you have been suffering from injuries, excess weight, cellulite, pain disorders like arthritis, bursitis, headaches or others, a sluggish lymphatic system may be playing a role.
1. Breathe deeply.
Breathe in that sweet smell of healing oxygen. Breathe out toxins. Our lymph system relies on the pumping action of deep breathing to help it transport toxins into the blood before they are detoxified by the liver.

2. Get moving.
Exercise daily to ensure the lymph system flows properly.

3. Drink plenty of water.
To help ensure the water is readily absorbed by your cells add some fresh lemon juice or oxygen or pH drops.

4. Forget the soda, trash the neon-colored sports drinks, and drop the fruit “juices”
This sugar, color- and preservative-laden beverages add to the already overburdened workload your lymph system must handle.

5. Eat more raw fruit on an empty stomach.
The enzymes and acids in fruit are powerful lymph cleansers

6. Eat plenty of green vegetables
Green vegetables give you adequate chlorophyll to help purify your blood and lymph system.

7. Eat raw, unsalted nuts and seeds
These seeds are packed with fatty acids that may power up your lymph nodes.

8. Add a few lymph-boosting herbal teas
Astragalus, echinacea, goldenseal, pokeroot or wild indigo root tea are beneficial to your lymph system.

9. Dry skin brush before showering.
Brush your dry skin in circular motions upward from the feet to the torso and from the fingers to the chest. The lymph flows towards the heart, therefore you should work in the same direction.

10. Alternate hot and cold showers for several minutes
The heat dilates the blood vessels and the cold causes them to contract.

11. Get a gentle massage.
There is nothing more relaxing than a well done massage, and it can be extremely healing as well, studies have shown that a gentle massage can push up to 78 percent of stagnant lymph back into circulation.

9 Foods That Help You Sleep Well

Are you one of the 50 million Americans that have trouble falling asleep? Adding these foods to your diet may help to increase your odds of a successful slumber.

The health benefits of a good night’s rest are countless: it helps keep you happy, your brain sharp, your immune system strong, your waistline trim, your skin looking youthful and lowers your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

1. Fish

Most fish, especially salmon, halibut and tuna, boast vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone triggered by darkness.

2. Jasmine Rice
The greater amounts of insulin triggered by the high-glycemic-index meals increased the ratio of sleep-inducing tryptophan relative to other amino acids in the blood, allowing proportionately more to get into the brain.

3. Tart Cherry Juice
Melatonin-rich tart cherry juice has been shown to aid sleep. Drink a cup of tart cherry juice twice a day for relief of severe insomnia.

4. Yogurt
Dairy products boast healthy doses of calcium, helping to prevent being calcium-deficient, which can make it difficult to fall asleep.

5. Whole Grains
Whole grains are rich in magnesium and consuming too little magnesium may make it harder to stay asleep.

6. Kale
Green leafy vegetables boast healthy doses of calcium too.

7. Bananas
Bananas are well-known for being rich in potassium, they are also a good source of Vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin.

8. Chickpeas
Chickpeas boast vitamin B6 too, which is needed to make melatonin.

9. Fortified Cereals
Fortified cereals also boast vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin.

7 Powerful Foods To Naturally Calm Your Nervous System

Today’s crazy lifestyle can do a lot to our central nervous system, especially if we are not taking proactive steps to counteract this perpetual negative effect on our body.

An overtaxed nervous system typically expends most of its resources just trying to defend the body against attack, whether it is in the form of anxiety, panic, or stress; all of which deplete your energy reserves and potentially even harm your endocrine system.

There is a simple way to counteract this damage, consume foods that minimize the amount of time and energy your nervous system spends in catabolic mode. There are many foods that nourish, heal, and regenerate the body.

Here are seven powerful foods that can help calm your nervous system naturally for maximum health:

1) Whey

Whey is naturally rich in L-tryptophan, which has been shown to assist in the production of serotonin, which regulates endocrine, digestive, nervous system, and blood health, and also a whole range of other healing amino acids and nutrients, which are excellent for calming your nervous system.

Whey is also rich in L-glutamine, a non-essential amino acid that is the precursor to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a substance that helps regulate the nervous system and promote calmness.

2) Sweet potatoes, yams

This starchy vegetable has bulk to keep you satisfied and an impressive nutrient roster, containing high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, and B vitamins, sweet potatoes are a nutritionally-dense food that can help calm your nerves, eliminate stress, and even lower your blood pressure.

Similarly, yams contain an array of nutrient compounds that feed the glandular system and promote respiratory, urinary, and nervous system health.

3) Bananas.

This handy, easy-open package fruit is packed with high doses of potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6, and other nutrients that help boost production of digestion-enhancing mucous, as well as promoting feelings of happiness and calm inside the body. They aid in the production of serotonin and melatonin, which are crucial regulators of mood and sleeping patterns.

4) Green herbal tea

Green tea contains an amino acid known as L-theanine that enhances mood by stimulating the production of alpha waves in the brain and reduces stress and promote relaxation naturally.

5) Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate and cacao are packed with antioxidants, essential minerals and protective plant nutrients called flavanols, they also contain L-tryptophan, and magnesium, a mineral widely recognized for its ability to calm the nervous system.

Dark Chocolate also contains a neurotransmitter known as anandamide that has the ability to alter dopamine levels in the brain, causing a sense of peace and relaxation.

6) Brazil nuts

Said to be nature’s richest source of selenium, Brazil nuts are virtually unmatched in the nut world when it comes to relaxing the nervous system

7) Spinach.

Spinach is the best way to obtain a high input of fat-soluble vitamins that contribute to the building up of the fatty layers that protect your nerves from damage, such as vitamin K, in order for your brain and nervous system to function as they should

How to Treat Sweaty Palms and Feet Naturally

Sweaty palms and feet can be caused by hyperhidrosis, a rare condition in which the sweat glands on various parts of the body are overactive, or they may be a symptom of a more serious condition. Once the latter is ruled out, excessive sweating of the palms and feet may be treated with several natural remedies. These treatments may work well for some and not so well for others, depending on body chemistry and severity of the condition. However, they are all safe to use in moderation, so experiment and find what works best for you. There's nothing to lose but those embarrassing sweaty palms and feet

1- Steep five regular tea bags in one quart of hot water. Allow the mixture to cool completely, and then soak feet or hands for 30 minutes. This treatment works by clogging the pores that produce sweat, but may only provide temporary relief. However, it can be repeated as necessary and daily treatments are recommended. The tea treatment should prevent sweaty palms and feet for 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the severity of the condition.

2- Combine several tablespoons of Epsom salt with water as hot as you can tolerate. Soak the feet every night for at least 30 minutes in the solution. Prepare a separate batch for soaking the hands and you can treat sweaty palms and feet at the same time. Although it's not exactly clear how the salt works to treat excessive sweating, it has been used to successfully treat various types of hyperhidrosis according to a 2004 article published in "Podiatry Today."

3- Sprinkle alum powder, which can typically be found in the spice aisle of the grocery store, inside your socks before putting them on each morning. Dust a light coating over the palms first thing in the morning as well, and sweaty palms and feet should be eliminated for most of the day. Carry the powder with you and reapply if necessary in the afternoon. Alum has the ability to block the pores and prevent excessive sweating. It is extremely effective for most people, but frequent reapplication may be necessary for severe cases of hyperhidrosis.

4- Sprinkle 1 to 2 ounces of boric acid into a pair of white cotton socks. Put the socks on and leave them in place for 48 to 72 hours. Remove the socks and wash your feet thoroughly using soap and hot water. Follow with one of the soaks mentioned above for the best results, and then dry with a clean towel. There is strong anecdotal evidence that this treatment works for even the most sever cases of excessive sweating. Perform the same treatment using white cotton gloves for the hands, and you can treat sweaty palms and feet simultaneously.

10 Natural Remedies to Preventing Dementia

Dementia is characterized by emotional, mental, and physical deterioration caused by damage to the brain. Symptoms of dementia can develop suddenly or slowly over a long period of time, and the risk of dementia increases as you get older. There are different ways of treating the symptoms, which include: difficulty concentrating and planning things, memory loss and confusion, short attention span, lack of motivation, depression, personality, mood and behavioral changes, delusions or hallucinations, incontinence, muscle weakness, stiffness, or paralysis, slow and unsteady movements, trembling in arms and legs, sleeping difficulties, aggression and frustration, among others.

To prevent dementia in late life, it helps to keep physically and mentally active. There are other factors to consider regarding your general health and well-being. Pay attention to the following:

• Eat a healthy balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
• Limit foods that are high in saturated fat.
• Reduce your salt intake to no more than two-thirds of a teaspoon per day
• Don’t drink alcohol excessively. Men should have no more than two drinks a day, and women no more than one.
• Maintain a healthy body weight, obesity can cause high blood pressure.
• Get regular exercise to maintain good circulation.
• Avoid smoking.
If you are diagnosed with dementia a health care plan will be drawn up, the following natural remedies are also very helpful to relieve the symptoms of dementia:
• Add a few drops of calming lavender essential oil to a vaporizer to relieve stress, agitation, and depression.
• Take 60 milligrams of ginkgo biloba twice daily to support the central nervous system, increase blood circulation to the brain, and improve memory.
• Music therapy, despite the deterioration of mental function associated with dementia, people with the condition are often able to enjoy music. This therapy can reduce agitation and improve mood, thus enhancing quality of life.

9 Easy Ways to Boost your Metabolism Every Day

You can trick your body into burning calories more efficiently, here are some ways you can help revive and boost your metabolism.

Never skip breakfast

your metabolism slows down, every time you don’t eat breakfast, sending the body into “hoard mode,” thinking it’s starving because you’re going a long period of time without food.

Leave less for last

Dinner should be your lightest meal, and some experts recommend you shouldn’t eat any later than 3 to 4 hours before bedtime, to help your body process and burn the food when you’re awake and moving around, burning more calories.

Don’t starve

If your calorie intake is below 1,000 calories a day your body will send signals of starvation, and will slow down your metabolism.
Avoid or minimize snacking

Contrary to popular opinion, it may be better to eat three scheduled meals, and avoid snacks. This allows the body to go into fat-burning mode.

Get moving

As much as you can, its really a big help for your metabolism, and if you do it in the morning, you’ll raise your metabolism all day.

Build muscle

Add weight training or progressive resistance exercises at least two to three times a week to build muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat.


The energy burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively, therefore, water, water, water!!

Chinese Herbs

Schizandra, a Chinese herb that is used for fatigue may help as well as ginseng for energy.

Try mate tea

Mate, is an herbal tea native to South America. Mate is considered far more nutritious than black tea or coffee, and though it also has some caffeine, its effects are energizing, rather than making people jittery.

About Menopause

Menopause is when menstruation has ceased for at least a year and the function of the female reproduction system ends. This marks the end of fertility in a woman's life. Many women experiencing menopause refer to it as "going through the change." These women are indeed going through a normal change of life, which will affect every woman differently. There are many treatment options available for the symptoms menopausal women experience. Menopause may be the end of one chapter in a woman's life, but it is also the beginning of another.
Menopause marks a very important time in a woman's life. Although men are usually able to father children their entire lives, menopause ends a woman's ability to reproduce. This signifies the aging process in a woman's life. Becoming infertile as a result of menopause can have mental, physical and emotional effects on a woman as her body continues to change due to hormonal fluctuations.

Time Frame
Women usually begin going through menopause in their mid- to late 40s or during their early 50s, with the average age about 51. Some women begin menopause before this time and may be as young as their 30s, or in extremely rare cases, their 20s. Women who experience premature menopause do so as a result of premature ovarian failure that may be caused by conditions such as eating disorders, diabetes, radiation or chemotherapy, thyroid disease or other illnesses. Many cases of premature menopause are a result of unknown causes. There are also cases of late menopause that occur after the age of 55.

Although each woman's experience with menopause is different, some common symptoms and experiences include irregular menstrual periods, hot flashes, night sweats, urinary symptoms, sleep disturbances, headaches, vaginal dryness, and decreased sex drive. Other effects women may notice after menopause include a decrease in collagen and skin elasticity, changes in hair growth, and increased risk for serious health issues such as osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes.

People should keep in mind that menopause will have many effects on women. Some women experience depression, mood swings, anxiety or erratic behavior as they go through menopause. It is important to know that these symptoms can be attributed to the change in hormonal rhythms that are a result of menopause. Estrogen production is decreased during menopause since the ovaries stop making it. Women have to adjust to their fluctuation in hormones, and some of the effects can be hard to deal with. If you experience changes in your behavior or mental state, speak to your doctor about treatments to help you to deal with these changes.

Although complete menopause results in a woman no longer being able to get pregnant, a woman can still get pregnant when she is in the process of going through menopause. If she is still having menstrual periods, even if they are irregular, that means she is still ovulating and is still capable of becoming pregnant. It is important to practice safe sex and use birth control during menopause if you do not want to become pregnant.

Menopause Tea

Menopause marks the end of menstruation, which happens at around the age of 50. There can be disorientating side effects such as hot flashes and memory loss. Clary sage is a great mood enhancer and also balances the hormones, place a few drops on to a handkerchief and inhale as required throughout the day. To reduce the incidence of night sweats, take a bath before bed, simply add a few drops to a warm bath.


Mother wort is a traditional remedy for helping ease the body through the transition. Drink

mother wort tea as often as needed:
1. Steep 25g. (1 ounce) dried motherwort in a cup of boiling water.
2. Leave to infuse for ten minutes, strain and then drink while still warm.
You can also try:
1. Place several handfuls of nettle tops in a large saucepan
2. Cover with boiling water
3. Boil for 30 minutes
4. Strain through a muslin cloth and drink as needed.

7 Natural Remedies for Toothache

Severe or throbbing pain around a tooth, sensitivity to extremes of temperature, red, swollen gums and bleeding when brushing or flossing are some of the symptoms before this annoying ache appears in your mouth.

Most toothaches are caused by dental decay, gingivitis, (gum disease) or an abscess, often due to poor dental hygiene. If your gums become inflamed and infected they can recede, exposing the root of the tooth. The affected tooth can be sensitive to hot and cold food or liquids and may start throbbing.

Conventional painkillers are not always effective and may have side effects, so you may prefer to try natural remedies instead to deal with the nagging pain of tooth and gum disease while you wait to visit your dentist:

• The traditional way to ease the pain is to dab the painful tooth and the gums surrounding it with some cotton balls soaked in clove oil.
• Alternatively, you can chew on a clove with the affected tooth, biting into it will release the oil.
• Chewing a peeled garlic clove may also bring some relief.
• A soothing saltwater mouthwash can be repeated several times a day to fight infection, use one teaspoon salt to one cup hot water.
• Add five drops tincture of myrrh to a small glass of warm water and the use as mouthwash. You can apply a tincture of calendula to swollen gums to ease pain and swelling.
• Rub a little clove or chamomile oil around the affected tooth.
• Try applying pressure to the area between your thumb and index finder for up to a minute.

5 Natural Treatments for Intestinal Worms

Have you heard about this? Infestation of worms in the digestive system is common throughout the world, particularly in young children. Worms can sometimes be seen around the anus or in the feces, and they inflame the area of the bowel or rectum where they attach themselves. The most common worms in humans in the United States are pinworms. Other type of worms occurs, too, such as hookworms in tropical countries.

Intestinal worms present many symptoms such as diarrhea, bad breath, dark circles under the eyes, restlessness at night, anemia, and itching around the anus.

There are many natural ways to treat this situation depending on the type of worm such as:

• Rescue Remedy is good for discomfort or distress. Rub into the pulse points, around the anus to relieve itching. Crab Apple is excellent if you feel unclean or polluted.
• Rub a drop each of eucalyptus, lavender, and tea tree oil into a bland ointment, such as petroleum jelly or chickweed. Rub around the anus to prevent itching and to prevent eggs from being laid. This is particularly helpful at night.
• A teaspoon each of cayenne pepper and senna can be combined in a cup of yogurt with live cultures and taken by teaspoon before meals. The former stuns the worms and the latter encourages their explosion.
• Wormwood tea will stun the worms, but should only be taken under the supervision of a registered herbalist.
• Garlic is toxic to worms. Crush and add it to a tablespoon of honey and take before meals, followed by a tincture of laxative herbs, such as licorice and dandelion root to aid expulsion.
Conventional treatment is always necessary for any tapeworm infestations. Call your doctor if treatment is not effective after two courses, or if you begin to lose weight.

Natural Treatments for Lung Cancer

Let’s begin with the obvious, if you smoke, stop. Tobacco use is responsible for 87 percent of lung cancer deaths. But what can you do to protect yourself, besides run screaming from cigarettes? Something as simple as eating more vegetables can help, they contain a grab bag of cancer preventive compounds, like the carotenoids in dark green and deep yellow, orange, and red produce.

Cruciferous vegetables:
Cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and broccoli are packed with sulforaphane, considered one of the most potent cancer fighters found in food.
These vegetables also contain a substance called indole-3-carbinol, which works like a clean up crew, repairing damage that carcinogens do to cells before they can turn cancerous.

Oranges, papayas, peaches, red bell peppers, and carrots:
The colors red and orange come from a type of carotenoid called beta-cryptoxanthin that specifically seems to safeguard smokers.

Soy food:
Estrogen may encourage the growth of lung tumors, and blunting estrogen’s effect may help slow or even stop lung cancer’s development.

Salmon, sardines, mackerel, and other foods high in omega-3 fatty acids:
The combination of cigarette smoke and animal fats promotes lung cancer. Substituting fish high in omega-3 fatty acids for meats appears to minimize the effect.

Spinach, kale, beans, and other food rich in folate:
Folate can reduce the risk of lung cancer up to 40%. Smoking and alcohol drain folate from the body.

6 Natural Aids for Infertility

Many couples assume that infertility rests with the woman, in fact men are just likely to be infertile. In 40% of cases, the problem lies with the male, and in 40% of cases, with the female. The cause can’t be identified in the remaining 20%, or both partners may have contributing factors. While nutrition is not a leading cause of infertility, consuming a healthful diet enhances the chance of conceiving and delivering a healthy baby.
It is highly recommended to follow a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean meat, fish or poultry, whole-grain breads, cereals, and grains, as well as low-fat dairy products. Limit coffee consumption and avoid alcohol and smoking.

• Sperm do poorly at temperatures over 96 °F (which is why the testes hang below the rest of the body to stay cooler.) Avoid elevated scrotal temperatures by wearing boxer shorts. Do not wear briefs, tight fitting underwear or jeans.
• Avoid hot tubs and rowing/ski machines, treadmills or jogging unless the testes can hang free.
• Avoid aspirin, Motrin or similar medications which block the hormone prostaglandin (prostaglandins in the seminal fluid may assist sperm.)
• Avoid melatonin, testosterone, Verapamil and Nifedipine (latter two are heart/blood pressure medications) which can cause reversible infertility.
• Increase liquid vegetable oils and avoid cottonseed oil (may contain gossypol which inhibits sperm function) palm or coconut oils, or trans, hydrogenated or saturated fats as able.
• Women should avoid vaginal lubricants such as FemGlide, Replens and Astroglide which can damage sperm.

Anemia Natural Treatments

Low iron levels in the blood can cause feelings of weakness, dizziness, and fainting. You have anemia when you have too few red blood cells or too little hemoglobin in your blood. This is most likely caused by an iron deficiency, but can also be due to a deficiency in vitamin B12 or folate. Anemia is most likely to occur in pre-menopausal women, especially during pregnancy.

The symptoms may include tiredness and lack of energy, palpitations, light-headedness, pale skin, shortness of breath, feeling cold, headaches, changes in taste, a sore or smoothing tongue, and dry, peeling, or spoon-shaped nails.

As well as treating any underlying problems that may be making you anemic, your doctor may prescribe iron supplements to address an iron deficiency and bring your iron levels back to normal. Your red blood cell count and hemoglobin levels will be monitored carefully to make sure you are responding well to treatment. It may also be necessary to make dietary changes and take vitamin B12 or folate supplements.

Here is some natural treatment you might consider:

• Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that may help to treat anemia. Try taking one heaping teaspoon per day.
• Vitamin C helps your body to absorb iron from food. Good sources include broccoli, bell pepper, tomatoes, berries, and citrus fruits
• Ferrum phosphoricum is a tissue salt that is used to treat iron deficiency. Try taking four tablets of Ferrum phosphoricum twice daily until relief is obtained.

The following food contains iron, vitamin B12, and folate, and they will help your body make enough red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Iron: dried fruits, such as apricots, raisins, and prunes, green leafy vegetables, meat, nuts, beans, and molasses.

Vitamin B12: meat, dairy products, eggs, and fortified foods.

Folate: fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, beans, peas, oranges, bananas, yeast extract, liver, and fortified foods.

Dramatically Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk

Prostate cancer may seem inevitable for some men; in fact it’s the most common type of cancer in men.
Growing evidence suggests that you can dramatically reduce the risk of this cancer, and slow its progression if you already have it, simply by making moderate changes in your diet.
Most prostate cancers are slow growing; with early detection many doctors will choose a wait-and-see approach rather than attacking the cancer immediately. But why sit back and wait if you can take a big step toward delaying the cancer’s development or inhibiting its growth by improving your diet?

Tomato and tomato products:
An antioxidant called lycopene gives tomatoes their fire-engine hue and helps prevent prostate cancer. Lycopene does this by preventing free radicals from damaging cells, including the all-important DNA inside. DNA damage is what leads healthy cells to turn cancerous.

Tofu, soymilk and other soy foods:
They contain estrogen-like compounds called isoflavones that are thought to delay the development and growth of cancer cells and encourage them to destroy themselves.

Green tea:
A powerful compound in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) blocks many processes involved with cancer development and growth. Studies suggest it may protect against several cancers, including those of the prostate, stomach, colon, and breast.

Pomegranate juice:
Pomegranate juice is full of colorful plant chemicals called polyphenols, the same chemicals that make grape skins red and lend brilliant colors to autumn leaves. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants, and that’s probably why pomegranate juice is shaping up to be an important cancer fighter.

Salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, and other fatty fish:
Fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids lower the risk of prostate cancer by 30%.

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and other cruciferous vegetables:
These vegetables contain several anticancer compounds that actually help rid the body of (cancer causing) substances before they have a chance to damage them.

Garlic and onions:
Garlic, onions, and their cousins, like scallions, shallots, and chives, may help prevent tumors by eliminating cancer-causing substances before they can damage cells to self-destruct.

Homemade Natural Wrinkle Removers

Even though they say wrinkles make you wiser, there are many ways to look wiser without the wrinkles that are natural, there is no need to buy expensive anti-aging cream or treatments. You won’t need to expend more than a couple of bucks… here is where the real wisdom is. Bananas and their peel have been used for centuries to help with many skin conditions, including acne, wrinkles, warts, psoriasis and poison ivy.

1. Mash a banana until it has a creamy texture and apply it to your entire face for 30 minutes, bananas have so much more going for them than just a delicious and nutritious treat.
2. Coconut oil is the best option when it comes to natural wrinkle removal, since it rebuilds our skin tissue and will also leave your face skin moisturized and feeling smooth and beautiful.
3. Pineapple juice can easily rival any treatment, in fact it is much better, because they are packed with the enzyme bromelain which naturally eats away our top layer of skin when applied topically and leaves the new fresh skin underneath.

How to Treat Hiccups With Home Remedies

Hiccups are the bane of children everywhere, and even adults are not entirely immune from them. Caused by muscular contractions in the diaphragm that are often brought on by inadequate chewing or eating too fast, hiccups interfere with eating, breathing, drinking and speaking. They can also be tenacious, sometimes holding on for hours at a time if no remedies are employed at home to stop them. Fortunately, there is no need to suffer. There are several very effective home remedies you can use to treat hiccups in children and adults.

1- Swallow a spoonful of table sugar. This remedy was popular in the mid-20th century and was often used to treat hiccups in children. It is not known why the sugar works to cure hiccups, but it does.

2- Hold your breath and bear down internally on your diaphragm. The longer you can hold down your diaphragm with your muscles, the better chance you'll have of stopping the hiccups. As you bear down on the diaphragm, it relaxes and stops the contractions that cause hiccups.

3- Drink water in tiny sips while holding your nose. You should sip again and again without a break until you feel as if the water may start coming out of your nose. After about 25 sips, the hiccups will usually stop.

4- Turn yourself upside down. You can either stand on your head or lie across a foot stool with your head hanging down. Bringing your head below the level of your diaphragm like this often stops hiccups in their tracks.

5- Drink some chamomile tea that has been steeped for at least half an hour. The muscle relaxant properties of chamomile work to ease the contractions in your diaphragm that are causing the hiccups.

How Often Should You Wash Your Face

Normal Skin
Normal skin should be washed twice daily. Wash once in the morning with cool water and a mild cleanser, to remove any dirt or oil that has built up while sleeping. Dry the face, and go about your daily moisturizing and makeup application. In the evening, wash with a mild cleanser, and follow up with a facial scrub if you wear heavy makeup. If wearing long-lasting eye makeup, be sure to use an eye makeup remover designed specifically to remove thick mascara and eyeliner.

Oily Skin
Oily skin requires a bit more treatment, as oil and dirt build up in the pores more quickly, leaving skin with a greasy look. Wash the face at least twice daily, with a face wash designed specially for oily skin. If wearing makeup or moisturizer, use oil-free products that will prevent excess oil from building up. Wash the face in the morning, afternoon when possible and again before bed. With your nighttime regimen, use a face wash and follow up with a toner that is designed to remove excess oil and buildup. Toner can also be used throughout the day to absorb excess oil, if dabbing with a tissue does not pick up the excess.

Dry Skin
Dry skin also requires special care, as washing too often can over-dry, causing cracking and peeling of the skin. Wash the face in the morning with cold water only, do not use a cleanser. Choose a moisturizer made for dry skin, and apply as directed. Wash the face again at night, this time using a mild cleanser, and makeup remover if applicable. Exfoliate with a face scrub to remove dead skin cells, then follow up with moisturizer again to replenish the skin.

Skin With Acne
It is important to handle acne with care. First, determine your skin type from the categories mentioned above, and follow that cleansing routine. Be sure to use a soft washcloth when washing the face, as scrubbing hard will further irritate acne and cause inflammation. While some facial cleansers are designed specially for skin with acne, if your problems persist, purchase an acne cream designed to be dabbed on the acne itself, and left on overnight.


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