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Tips to Diet Effectively

1- You must be realistic and assess you current health situation. You have to list your current situation which will include your lifestyle, eating habits, sickness, and vices.

2- Talk honestly and openly with friends and families regarding your perceptions and your expectations. They can honestly tell you if your thoughts are realistic and make a goal with you.

3- You have to set long term goals and short term goals. A loss of 2lb a week and 8 lbs a month is considered the maximum. Make these goals into affirmative statements and place them in areas wherein you regularly use such s the mirrors, faucet, and the refrigerator and read them out aloud if you pass through them.
4- You have to combine exercise with diet to effectively and healthily lose weight. You should definitely inform your friends and family about your new plans so you can gain support from them. You can also enlist their support to do the grocery with you so you will not buy unhealthily, friends may also go to the gym or jog with you, and real friends actually invite you out and eat healthily with you just so you won't get discouraged.

5- Lastly, this is dedicated to the most important person which is you! No amount of diet and exercise books or videos can help you, if you yourself are not resolved to fight your own battle. You are your best weapon and your worst enemy as well. It is up to you to decide which one you'd rather be.

* Always consult a doctor before starting any diet plan.

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